Friday, November 13, 2020

TOP 5 - Futuristic sports and competitions

As a real nerd and technology enthusiast, I'm into a lot of futuristic events. Now you can read my top events and why I chose them in this time's TOP 5. Future starts NOW! :D

5. Case modding 

Every year on gamescom, the most talented and skilled people of the case modding community come together and turn great ideas into awesome looking custom made PC-cases. While the results are presented and ranked by a jury, it's more like an art gallery. The challenge is not to only to make something that stands out and is original with limited time and material, but also have the PC that remains inside still work afterwards.

4. E-Sports

Maybe already the most "mainstream" modern competition. Today, E-Sports appear in a wide variety of games and forms. As one vs. one, team vs. team or human against machine. As a competition of thinking or quick reactions. A few years ago E-Sports was noticed as a hobby for a small community, but it grew up to a thing that professionals call their job. In some countries it can be watched on television channels next to football and bicycling. And since we are all forced to meet online more often because of the ongoing pandemic, E-Sports may be discovered as an alternative way of entertainment for people who weren't used to it so far.  

3. Hackathon

Hackathons are a funny way of coming together with other tech- and DIY-enthusiasts and turn yourself on to challenges and duties that are not to solve with only expertise but also with creativity and passion. Sadly, because I lack people who have experience and the interest in hackathons, I never did one so far. But I'd like to so… if you are reading this and you compete in hackathons or know someone who could use a rookie, feel free to leave a comment :D !  

2. Drone Racing 

Without a doubt, drone racing is the most spectacular event on the list. It still might be unknown for the most people, but if you have seen the tiny quadcopters whizzing through the air once, flashing like amusement park attractions, you'll be hooked. Sadly, it's hard to find a live show in Germany, but you can always watch the latest events on the YouTube channels of all the different organizations, like the drone racing league (DRL) or the drone racing association (DRA). Sadly, I haven't learned to fly a drone good enough to race it yet. But it's a thing on my project list that one day I want to build one myself. And then… it's on B-) !

1. Robotic Competitions

As old as the field of robotics is, the wishes to construct them as complex and human-like as possible are just as old. Robotic competitions support this pursuit by forcing the participants to develop even newer technologies every time. From autonomous soccer matches to human rescue scenarios or precise environment control. A lot skills, initially developed in such competitions, were the starting point for new end-user devices. While universities mostly compete against each other on professional levels, small beginner tasks and projects are perfect for kids and adult starters in the field of technologies. Because of this, I'm a big supporter of bringing robotics as a school subject to every one out there!  I bet most of the kids would like to go to school at least once a week! :D