Corner of favorite software

This page is mainly ment to be a collection of the software I love and use and why this is. 

Sublime Text 3

Sublime is a texteditor supporting syntax highlighting for many programming languages also including bash scripting and LaTeX. Although the software asks you to buy a license at some point, it has a unlimited fullversion free trial. 

I used to learn C coding in sublime and compiled it then on an ubuntu bash using gcc. Because it is as simple as it can be without any automated processes doing stuff you don't have full control about, it is the perfect texteditor for procedural and scientific programming.  

Visual Studio

Visual Studio IDE is a developingtool from microsoft supporting manly C++, C#, Java and Python. Bringing everything directly with it what you need for larger programming, like a debugger and compiler, I started using Visual Studio when I learned object orientated C# in vocational school. Althrough I hated C# against my beloved C (but that's another story) I kinda enjoy using Visual Studio. 
Sure, you don't get around to pay quiet a lot for it but student deals or similar offers ofthen give you a good discount. 
Visual Studio is at some points overloaded with functonalities and options so I some times find it hard to figure out where I find a particular feature. Over all, I still prefer it over for example sharp develop.  

Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE is an for the Arduino and it's family made IDE that supports nearly every micro controler based on the Arduino principal. It is extreamly easy in use and free to download from the official Arduino webside. Although very limited in it functions, the IDE is my favorite to play around on with ideas I have on combining microcontrolers with my own little programs. 

Tiny CAD

Visualizing your circuit idea fast and easy? No Problem with Tiny CAD, a free planing software for circuits, providing a tone of components and still is clearly aranged so it doesn't need any tutorial to get fast work done with it. It is free to download and should help out for anything from smal to medium sized projects. 

Note: For beeing named on this page, nobody payed me a cent. Also all rights are reserved to the owners of the software. This is only a review of my opinion on the mentioned software. 


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